Thursday, April 7, 2016


Yup, its been a while. I had to take some time to get my shit back together. Yes, I'm still alive, but woah baby. I went through a hell of a spell.

So here is what I've been up to:

School. I'm going for my masters in HR Management. I love it. Its an interesting field and, well, I love people. It takes a lot of time each week to get homework done.

Work. Duh

Working out. I took a time out. Mainly because I just was a mental mess. I was trying to fix my binge eating and everything else fell away. I'm not recovered. Every day is a struggle. I'm not perfect. I had a while where I just let anything go and am not enjoying any of that. So, I'm working on getting some exercise in each day. I have a schedule that mixes weight training with running. I have a full marathon planned for the end of the year. And I WILL KICK ITS ASS!

Food. See above. I'm working on it. Some days I may write about my struggle. Some days, I will write about success. Maybe some recipes. I continue with food prep and the last week was ok. I had some great days and some perfect. Some days just sucked. I learn, and realize I'm perfectly imperfect. And that is ok.

Knitting. I've been doing it a lot. I'm working on a cushion for the library and learning more about charting. I'm also working on making a transformer hat for a friend. I also have a few other items in the works. Its been peaceful and fun. Not too much cursing over it.

That has been me in a nutshell the last few weeks.